
Showing posts from March, 2022

Yes, Size Really Does Matter

I’ll say this for the South - they sure are polite.  I’ve been ma’amed everywhere I go and I think I rather like it.  I even caught myself ma’aming a toll booth worker when she politely pointed out that the outside lane was usually for wide vehicles.  It’s infectious, this “yes ma’am” business, although Dan seems to resist - but you know what they say about taking the boy out of New York etc.  Granted, the politeness may only be a thin veneer, but it sure beats the outright hostility I saw and felt in Florida.  Many people don’t consider Florida to be the South - it’s like an extra appendage just sort of dangling there. So, north to the South, with some trepidation I confess.  After the glossing over about slavery and the Civil War we received in St. Augustine, I was afraid of what we’d encounter in the epicenter of “The Lost Cause”.   We would follow Spring up the coast, stopping in State parks near Savannah, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, New Bern and th...

What Was I Thinking?

Having spent 5 1/2 weeks in Florida I can confidently say it has moved right to the top of the list of States I would live in only if the Witness Protection Program were somehow involved. I tried, I really did.  I told myself our stay would be just about the weather.  Millions of people live there for that reason alone.  And the beaches of course - two kinds after all: Gulf and Atlantic.  That’s pretty special.  And Dan could play golf!  In February!  We could sit outside in the soft evening breeze drinking margaritas as the sun went down.  We would be snowbirds and try not to be smug about it as our friends and families huddled inside up north. Okay, so, the weather.  I’d say there were maybe 6 days in total when it was what I’d expected - in the 70s and not humid.  There were stretches of days when I too was huddled inside because it was too hot and humid to do anything else - and when I did venture out there were mosquitoes the size o...