The Last Blog Post

There are four weeks remaining on this trip but it’s over for me. After the horrific shooting of 19 children and two brave teachers in Texas I can no longer write anything lighthearted or complimentary about this country. It may be beautiful to look at but it seethes with an anger and violence that stains us all. Thank you everyone for reading my blog and for your wonderful comments and observations. I still haven’t figured out how to respond to them but know how much they mean to me. Here are some photos of the places we’ve been since Niagara Falls. We’re in the Badlands of South Dakota now, heading to Montana, Glacier National Park, Banff, and down the Okanagan Valley before crossing the Cascade Mountains to Port Townsend, the place I used to call home. Stay well everyone, and hold on to your loved ones. Pippa Sunrise on the Lower Peninsula, Michigan. Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. Pelicans from the photo above. Yes, pelicans. Lake Huron...