Maintaining The Marital Mystery:Trailer Edition

We women need a bit of space and privacy to tend to things that men have no need (or wish) to know about.  You know what I’m talking about - it involves body hair, wax, tweezers, depilatories, razors, dyes, rinses, masks, exfoliation and usually a cruel and ruthless magnifying mirror.

We also need time in which to deploy these things.  And space.  Did I mention space already? And privacy?

Somehow I neglected to pack the magnifying mirror and kept forgetting to buy a new one.  But there is a mirror in our tiny bathroom and even if the light is harsh it’s good enough to put on some eyebrows and cover up the spots which is all I seem to have time for these days anyway.

When I stabbed not only Dan but myself with my toenails one night I realized I’d probably let things go a bit.  My legs and feet looked like a hobbit’s, (my armpits were apparently quite fashionable now), my skin was positively scaley.  Enough was enough. I decided it was time to Make A Bit Of An Effort. I bought a 10x magnifying mirror.

That was a mistake.  It turns out the bathroom light was actually quite forgiving.  A whole army of chin hairs had massed on the southern border of my face.  Now, a girlfriend would have kindly pointed those out to me, along with the eyebrows which definitely needed more than a few swipes of a pencil.  Then there was the veritable Groucho upper lip I’d been sporting for God knows how long.  And nose hair?  I now have to add that to the list?  Where does all this hair come from?  And my pores!  Clogged and disgusting.

Dan has been married to me long enough to know that when shrieks emanate from the bathroom there are only two appropriate responses after ascertaining there’s no blood involved: a cup of tea (if it’s before noon) or a glass of wine (define ‘noon’).

I have now begun the process of scraping, sanding, waxing, filing, plucking, squeezing, masking, exfoliating and polishing.  None of this can be done in private when you share a tiny bathroom with walls made of what is essentially expensive cardboard and a door that needs to be open if you need elbow room for the above tasks.

So, how do you keep that marital mystery going in a 250 sq ft trailer?  You don’t. The best you can hope for is that you both develop extremely selective hearing and an ability to instantly erase disturbing images from your memory.  And then have another glass of wine.


  1. Oh, Pippa! LOL! But what a photo -- do you have a "radiance" filter on your camera or is it all that maintenance?! You are a true journalist, leaving out nothing (the Nat'l Enquirer would never get any scoop on you, since you seem to expose it all first!), including all the humor. Seems fitting to share a line my sisters and I often say, "Keep your chinS up!" (and, I might add, 'and chin hairs off!'

    1. That is the Portrait setting on my iPhone Louise - I call it the Doris Day/Vaseline on the Lens setting. Most forgiving. And yes, this was taken Thanksgiving Day when I went full Lipstick and Earrings Mode.

    2. P.S. my mother also said “Keep your chins up!”

  2. I am having trouble responding to your blogs. Every time I post a comment it disappears! Just in case this one goes through I want to say how stunning you look in this latest picture of you and Dan. That you are the image of my beloved sister, Les ( your Mom) is uncanny. How I remember all those days we tromped around England! And Dan looks like a happy hero who captured his heroine in a war he fought for her attention. Love to you both.

    1. Thanks so much for the enormous compliment. I miss my mum every day. Looking forward to seeing you again next year!

  3. At least you have a bathroom in your trailer. No such luxury in a 74 Combi.

    1. Don’t know how you both manage that! Made of way sterner stuff than me.

  4. Pippa, you write well. The account is jam-packed with hilarious visuals: You made me laugh out loud. By the way, you both look great, so I it looks like the trip is beneficial. Have yet more fun! What's around the next corner? Let's romp yonder! :) We miss you both.

  5. Funny and Fab. If you run out of beauty supplies while in the wilderness you can turn to your pantry. For egg yolk only recipes, don't toss the eggwhites. They make a great mask and close the pores. Rosewater to freshen you skin. Chamomile for tired eyes. This I learned from fashion historian, Amber Butchart and makeup artist Rebecca Butterworth. Check out their Queen Victoria makeup tutorial (I know.You're thinking, "I don't want to look like Queen V. However, the actress in the video looks beautiful.)

  6. Pippa, you are so descriptive, you my dear are a hoot! I miss you, keep your blog coming. I usually save my reading the "blog" to have with a nice glass of red wine😘

    1. You are too kind Jill. I see your nice glass of red and raise you another!


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