The Most Erotic Park in America?


This was the title of my blog post for Arches National Park on the First Trailer Trash Mama blog back in 2010.  I have to say, after Kodachrome Basin State Park I thought there might be a tie, but Arches wins by a head for sheer scale.  

This is called the Garden Of Eden - why Eve bothered with apples is beyond me.

I certainly found it just as, er, exhilarating as the first time - and Dan did too.  Happy memories and a few new ones to boot.

Arches is a hard act to follow. (settle down) 

Canyonlands is the final park in Utah’s Mighty Five and is located more or less opposite Arches.  Where Arches is all thrusting spires, Canyonlands spreads out to the horizon in a series of deep, dramatic gashes carved by the Green and Colorado Rivers.  A whole lot of spectacular in a different kind of way. 

We are 2,000feet above the plain - see the dirt road on the right?
Close up from photo below.

We camped at the disturbingly named Dead Horse Point State Park.  Turns out the reason for the name is that early cowboys rounded up wild mustangs and drove them over the “neck”, a 30 ft. wide section of the plateau, which they then barricaded, creating a corral.  They took the horses they wanted and left the rest to die.  Gruesome and horribly cruel.  Perhaps that put a damper on our appreciation of Canyonlands, or perhaps it was the hazy weather.  We did get a spectacular sunset the first night as Dan tended the barbie.

I’ve come to realize that I prefer being at the base and gazing upwards over being at the top and looking out or down. Could that be linked to a personality trait?  Peasant rather than Master of the Universe?  Or maybe just my aversion to heights and cliff edges?  (I’m sorry Hilary, you will never get me up to your 88th floor office at the new World Trade Center).  In any event, it was Bob’s last gig with us, and as far as I’m concerned, he did his best - although when he said he came here every day and never tired of it, we looked at each other: from Nanaimo?  I don’t think so.



  1. Fascinating, detailed, multi-interest images!! One could spend a lot of time exploring them.

    The photos have a sense of exploring the ruins of a vast, futuristic city of some ancient civilization.

    Given the big skies and closer to the middle of the US, I am expecting your sunrises and sunsets to become more awesome.

    As for the Garden of Eden, everything is not bigger in Texas--Utah's got this one! This might resolve how Adam, Eve, and their offspring accessed the never-mentioned greater gene pool. :)

  2. So love your pictures! Wow. The arches!!


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