Hookups: Full, Partial and Dry
Remember in the olden days when hooking up was a benign expression you used to arrange a meeting with a friend? To see a movie or have lunch? Before the term caused your teenager to hiss at you, with much dramatic eye rolling, “You can’t say that anymore!” Because when you weren’t looking the term had changed to mean a sexual encounter of a temporary, no strings attached nature. What we used to call a one night stand. Not that I ever had any of those of course. Imagine the eye strain if they heard me talking about the various kinds of hookups I’m involved in these days. A Full Hookup is prized, a Partial is okay as long as I get a Full one in a couple of days, and a Dry one can be tolerated as long as our Jenny is allowed. And it’s not too hot. Or cold. Or in a Walmart parking lot. Let me explain. A Full Hookup is when you get to plug in to Water, Sewer and Electric and you can run the washer and dryer at the same time ...