Maintaining The Marital Mystery:Trailer Edition
We women need a bit of space and privacy to tend to things that men have no need (or wish) to know about. You know what I’m talking about - it involves body hair, wax, tweezers, depilatories, razors, dyes, rinses, masks, exfoliation and usually a cruel and ruthless magnifying mirror. We also need time in which to deploy these things. And space. Did I mention space already? And privacy? Somehow I neglected to pack the magnifying mirror and kept forgetting to buy a new one. But there is a mirror in our tiny bathroom and even if the light is harsh it’s good enough to put on some eyebrows and cover up the spots which is all I seem to have time for these days anyway. When I stabbed not only Dan but myself with my toenails one night I realized I’d probably let things go a bit. My legs and feet looked like a hobbit’s, (my armpits were apparently quite fashionable now), my skin was positively scaley. Enough was enough. I decided it was time to...